Documentation: devCart
This is the official documentation for devCart below is a summary of a few features it offers. Browse the topics you might find interesting and helpful.
Support Tickets:
Tickets are different from conversations as they're not related to an order directly, tickets make use of
categories as departments allowing customers to select a specific one directly.
Service Type Product:
Service type products allow you to sell a specific service rather than a file download. Price is not fixed like
it is for downloadable products, instead the price is applied to related service plans allowing you to tier your
service. For example you can have a BASIC logo design service that include one revision for 5USD but also another
PROFESSIONAL plan that maybe adds 3 revisions and includes the source files for 10USD.
Downloadable Products:
Downloadable products are products where a customer pays to get access to certain files attached to a product.
Only customers that bought or have been given access manually are able to access a products files. Each time a
customer downloads a file a new log entry is made to track who downloaded which product and when. If a license
file is included(Systemsettings/Downloads or Product specific) placeholders may be used within the file to
directly connect the license to a customer. Adding the download logs id is also possible making it possible to
check the id against the integrated API adding the possibility of adding a licensing feature.
Customer Interaction:
For service type products it's possible to start a conversation with the customer after a successful payment.
This makes it essentially easier to allow asking required information for a service automatically. For example
a 'Logo Design' service is offered; initial questions you might ask are 'Colors?', 'Style?', 'Transparency?' etc.
If a conversation is not started automatically cou can do this manually by looking up the order.
As of writing this offline payments and payments via Stripe are supported. BitPay and PayPal are planned while
PayPal can be used indirectly with Stripe. Carts that have a price equal to 0 will be directly processed and
marked as complete. If a cart holds paid and free items orders are only processed once a successful payment is made.
Offline payments allow manually validated payments like bank transfer or payments using digital goods. You may add
payment instructions on the Systemsettings/Payments page. The orders' id can be added dynamically with a placeholder,
so a customer can add a reference including the orders' id to check against on your end.
Revoke Download Permissions:
If for whatever reason you need to revoke a users right do download a certain product you may do so by viewing the
customers profile in Orders/Customers. Manually granting access is also possible.
Deleting a Product:
Deleting a product is generally not a good practice as existing customers for that product will have no way to
access it anymore, instead you can make the products' status 'INACTIVE' which hides the product from everyone except
customers that have paid for the product prior to marking it as inactive.
Order Quantity:
If for whatever reasons you want to limit the amount of orders for a certain product per user you can enable this
on the products' settings page, most likely this is useful for downloadable products. If a user already own a certain
products he will not be able to order it again. Products with such limit can only be added to the cart once as well.
Related Products:
You may add one related product to each product that is shown on both of the products An example would be having a
website product and a setup service. On the setup service product you would add the website as related product
thus showing the setup service on the website products' page.
It's possible to directly provide a simple documentation with multiple pages directly on with devCart. A code
highlighting feature is included with the text editor as well.
Coupon Codes:
Customers can apply one coupon per order. Coupons can be created in Orders/Coupons. You may limit how often a coupon
is used in total, if the percentage is applied to tax as well and specify a starting and end date.
Design Options:
By default devCart allows you to change its color palette in Systemsettings/General, a few presets are built-in
and can be easily selected. Modifying the stylesheet(CSS) can be done on that page as well. If you want to customize
devCart further that is easily done by modifying the view templates in `resources/views` where you can find the
.blade.php template files. devCart uses Bootstrap version 5.3 by default. Blade templates use a mix of HTML and PHP,
detailed explanations can be found on Laravels documentation page.